Empowering Marginalized Voices Through Direct Democracy

Transforming Society Through Collective Liberation

Our mission is to engineer society’s transition to an expanded direct democracy by educating, inspiring, and igniting the collective force and consciousness necessary to shatter exploitation, respond to genuine world needs, and empower marginalized voices.

We exist because we reject the paradigm where profits is placed over people and the planet. We reject the notion this is the final version of society. We reject the outcomes where the few who contribute little gain the most. And we reject the society where children can suffer and the masses go unheard.

The Issue

We are not outnumbered, we are out organized” -Malcolm X
The purposeful manipulation and fracturing of people and communities among party lines, identities, and issues diverts attention from collective strength and systematic pillars of oppression.

Our Vision

We envision a world where society is powered by the people’s will - where the disproportionate influence of a corrupt system, corporate interest, and powerful individuals is replaced by collective decision making so we power our own dreams and destiny in society.

The Power of People

Through direct democracy mechanisms the people have united to pass the protection of reproductive rights and abortion, the legalization marijuana, and expansion of healthcare coverage to bypass representation. Imagine what we can all do together!

Our Core Values

Empowerment First: We prioritize empowering the voices and actions of those who have been marginalized by the current system.

Collective Innovation: We believe in the power of collective ingenuity to overcome the challenges faced in transitioning to direct democracy.

Commitment to Evolution: We are dedicated to continuous improvement and adaptation in our strategies and actions.

Sincerity in Our Mission: We operate with integrity and a deep commitment to our mission, ensuring that our actions always align with our ultimate goal of societal reform.


“Every Issue With One Issue”

This encapsulates our motiivation and transformative potential of what we seek. Signfiying the pathways that open when we become active particpants in shaping our lives and bypassing elite decision making. Every fabric of our lives such as envirnometnal protection, economic inequality, healthcare, education reform, and so much more can be touched.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.

