We are not outnumbered, we are out organized
— Malcolm X

Despite the seemingly mass complexity of the world we live in and the issues we face everyday, in reality the issue is simple when rooted down to its core. Malcolm X’s call to action acknowledges the intrinsic power of collective action and the purposeful strategic divisiveness that is often employed to fracture society among issues, party lines, and identities.

Such a division is not accidental or a product of society but a design of systematic pillars of oppression that maintain inequalities. When communities are pitted against each other over resources, when the media polarizations narratives, and when singular issue reforms are highlighted it diverts attention from our commonalities in seeking transformation.

What’s the first rule of a casino?
They always win because we cannot see the organization behind the curtain

Our Vision

Imagine a world where our community, economy, society, and world is powered by the people. A world where a corrupt system, politicians, corporations, billionaires, and a few executives no longer can wield the power to put profits over people and the world we live. A world where people around the globe are no longer marginalized and exploited for the sake of growth. A world where nature can finally replenish itself and return to glory. A world where we decide what should be and what should not be. This is our mission to achieve through collective deliberation with Direct Democracy.

Instead of lobbying elites, urging officials, and pleading with corporations to provide for our needs..

it should be the people who decide if we want to feed our children and empower marginalized communities over increased defense budgets

it should be the people and not the opinions of 9 individuals to decide how best to ensure the rights of women and the 2SLGBTQ+ community

it should be the people that decide how we utilize our natural resources and restore the environment and not CEO’s.

What We Do Not Want:

  • We do not want people who contribute little to gain the most, we do not want nature around us to fall into shambles, we do not want children around the globe struggling for food and clean water

  • We do not want the precious life around us to go extinct, we do not want the hardest workers to be forgotten and thrown to the waist side for profits,

  • We do not want the deterioration of family and well-being for the almighty dollar

  • We do not want wealth to be siphoned at the top

  • We do not want politicians to dance around our wants and needs for their own agenda

  • We do not want corporations extracting endlessly from the world we live

  • We do not want our monetary system strong-arming money from people and countries

The Power of People….

We honor the collective strength and potential of citizens uniting under a shared cause. This platform is dedicated to illuminating the transformative power of citizen initiatives, showcasing how, when we align our diverse voices toward a common goal, we forge paths that lead us to the equitable world we all seek.

Collective Self Governance, Discovery, & Determination

Throughought history, collective action and cooperation has a staple in society and accomplished far beyond singlular action. Our mission is to highlight and bring this form of living back to life to tackle exploitation and seek a vision of society that is equitable.

Voters have Been Able To Directly Vote & Change In Recent Years:

  • Minimum Wage Increase

  • Expansasion of Medicaid

  • Envirnomental Protections

  • Securement of Reproductive Rights

  • Same-sex Marriage

  • Marijuana Legislation

  • Denied Tax Increaes

Illuminate Your Voice Through The United Voice